Project Attributes:


Another Chinese club that becomes the best 1/3 of your life!

After months of hard work and dedication, the second Chinese club for The Noa Group has opened. This time in Kunming: OT-Kun (One Third- Kunming). Last weekend was the first (unofficial) opening, and it was a night to remember, one for in the books!

First Impressions Last

The lobby is the first part of the experience and in that perspective should receive a lot of thought on design and concept. The highlight of the entrance-area is an immersive video-floor which naturally blends in with the overal design and meanders through the lobby. On it’s route past the reception, cloackroom & seating areas it narrows down to a corridor taking you to the main room. Over the course of an evening this club undergoes transformations in the vibe, music & overall ambience, therefore the ambience in the lobby should reflect this. Lively and fresh at the start of the evening, slowly changing towards a more dark and intense feeling by the end of the night.
From this perspective the execution fulfills its important role it plays in the custom made nightclub experience which OTkun is.

The team that realised this project

Daan Oomen

Creative Director / Designer

Serge Patist

Project Director / Light Designer

Stefan Peters

Concept Designer / Art Director

Thomas de Vries

Lighting Designer / Project Manager